Please note booking rules.
Please note that a Gmail email address is required to add bookings to the calendar. Click HERE to create a Gmail account if you do not already have one.
Once you have a Gmail account set up, please send an email using contact form located on the contact page to request access to the calendar.
Important notes on making bookings:
◾Only fully paid members of Mallow Handball club will be granted access.
◾A record is automatically generated of all new, changed and deleted bookings. You are not permitted to make any changes to a booking which has been created by other members.
◾Block booking specific slots weeks in advance will also be deemed unacceptable.
◾Members are only allowed to book two I hour slots in advance.
e.g If a member books one slot to play on Monday and one slot to play on Thursday,the member cannot book anymore slots until after they have played the slot on Monday.Then they are free to book one more slot, i.e. only two one hour slots maximum consecutively per player at all times.
◾ Player that books the alley must also play at that time i.e Can’t book a slot for somebody else to use under your name (Players under 12 are exempt from this point)
◾Adults (anyone playing Minor grade and over) have preference for slots after 7pm and are entitled to contact administrator to request such a slot already booked by a Juvenile.
Members failing to abide will have their name removed from extra slots, if member repeats behaviour, booking privileges will be revoked for a period of time.
For general instructions on how to use the calendar, click HERE.